Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Moving to Swansea

I am aware that I have not posted very much but to be fair, we have been quite busy enjoying our little sailboat as opposed to writing about what we have been doing. We have had a fantastic stay at Penarth marina and would definitely recommend it as a Marina. They have been very friendly and the facilities are quite good. The men's toilet could do with being cleaner and the wifi certainly needs to be less irregular but aside from that, it has been fantastic.

We made some really good friends in Penarth and we have had some wonderful sailing days, which has included a spot of fishing! It is quite interesting to see the coastline from the boat side as opposed to the landside.

In terms of sailing, John and I have both come along in leaps and bounds. Admittedly, John knoew how to sail, whereas it has been a completely new experience for me, which I thoroughly love..... although, I think I enjoy the fishing, or more precisely, the catching more!

Whilst Cardiff has been wonderful, we are now keen to move to some less muddy sailing prospects, with easier currents to plot courses through. As such, we have decided to move our boat to Swansea.