Friday, 15 November 2013

The Trip from Hell

The Beneteau First 26, that we had arranged to go and see was based at Suffolk Harbour Marina near Ipswich. Unfortunately, Ipswich is a bit of a pain in the backside to get to from South East Wales. There is simply no direct route to get there. It didn't help that John's car had an invasion of fruit flies, thanks to him leaving apple pomace in there overnight.

The trip to Ipswich was supposed to be a 4 hour trip, in reality it took nearly 6 and a half hours. The last half hour was spent fruitlessly driving around dark farm lanes whilst the Satnav tried to tell us our destination was in the middle of a field. Eventually, we managed to negotiate with the Satnav and find our way to the Angel Inn in Stoke-by-Nailand. What a relief it was to finally get out of the car and away from the fruit flies and to have a nice warm shower and get served a lovely cold glass of wine.

Hopefully the boat lives up to expectations, I would hate to think this trip has been wasted. Although, to be fair, the Angel Inn has been such a lovely experience that it would be worth making the trip simply to stay here.

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