Sunday, 15 May 2016

Gorgeous Weekend

The weather this year has not been brilliant for sailing. A little too much of the Beastly Easterlies and far too much rain! As such, we were quite pleasantly surprised this last weekend. The weather was glorious and we were able to sail to Oxwich Bay and spend the night anchored out.

We enjoyed a fabulous BBQ on board and to top off a good overnight stay, we woke up to blue skies, sunshine and sea as flat as a millpond. In the morning, I decided to put out a fishing line and much to my delight, I caught a 17lb Thornback ray. Pulling it up was like pulling up a dustbin lid - very hard going. In fact, at first, I thought I had caught 'Mother-Earth' n the form of a great big rock and I was fully expecting to have to cut the line. The Ray was caught on a mix of Bluey and Squid, if anyone wants to give it a go. The Ray was so big that we ended up having it for dinner on Sunday night and Monday night!
John holding MY Ray

Half a Ray Wing
I did pop out the hand reel with some feathers on, in the hope that the mackerel were biting but the water is obviously still too cold. maybe next time!

All in all, a lovely weekend.

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